One of the most important aspects of wildflower photography is controlling the background. Finding a clean background, that is not distracting, can be challenging.
Controlling the background can sometimes be easy and sometimes difficult. Thinking about it just now, here are some considerations just off the top of my head.
- Inspect around the flower to understand what will appear behind the flower
- Choose if you want additional flowers in background or foreground
- Watch out for distracting twigs or blades of grass; you can push them out of the frame
- If the flowers are on long stems, you may be able to nudge the stem, either to achieve a better background or to place the flower in a more flattering light.
- To fix a problematic background, consider placing some object behind the flower.
- Consider placing the camera near the ground and shoot upwards at the flower
- Consider filling the entire frame with the flower – no background
- If you can’t achieve a good background, look for a different flower nearby

One more thing … In your zeal, try not to trample the flowers. Leave them for someone else to enjoy.