Flowers blooming on Cherry trees is a harbinger of spring because Cherry trees bloom first, before other flowering trees. While these blooms are a much anticipated spectacle, predicting when the cherry trees will bloom … is difficult business.
From Macon Georgia to Boston Massachusetts, you can visit well-known groves of cherry trees. The trees bloomed in Georgia last week. Unfortunately, I missed it because of car trouble.
The very first blooms appeared in Macon GA around March 10. The very first blooms appeared in Washington D.C. just a few days ago.
The general blooming of Cherry trees in Washington D.C. has not happened yet, but should begin by end of this week. Midweek temperatures this week are still cool with overnight temperatures close to freezing. The current weather forecast tells that the temperature will warm this Thursday. So, blooms should be popping this coming weekend.
At our nation’s capitol, people do actively report the progress of the cherry tree buds. Here’s an update today:
The best-known location around D.C. is the tidal basin, shown in the photo above. As you can see in this late-day photo, it can draw a dense crowd. You will not find crowds like this early in the morning.